How I ended up in Web Dev and the way you can be a part of this community….

Ahren Pradhan
4 min readMar 28, 2020


So I was a bit interested in programming but not web dev, but then I got placed in some company which had the above as it’s a requirement.

Now, like those of you who may be interested or gone through the basics (can be like a brief knowledge){not required for now}-
— Front, back or full-stack
probably have an idea that it’s too much to go through
— a lot to study
— complicated things, bla bla bla

I will be honest that what you have gone through, is not wrong and instead it’s like a coin toss, cause the other side is so interesting that you may end opting it as a career.

Now. I will be focusing this specifically for those who have no idea about this (and those who’ve just entered it)
so feel free to ignore this…..

Photo by Micaela Parente on Unsplash

“Now let’s see whats the scope of all this”……

1. Among the top of the IT industry.
2. Something that directly addresses the end-users (front-end)
3. and more.
(now this is like an overview and something you don’t need to know for now)

“And, how to make this sound interesting”…….

Simply speaking, and being as frank as possible,

(No efforts ,no outcome).then(leave this page)

The 1st week can be hard on noobie, same with those with coding experience (if it’s not related web).

Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

Time to Begin….

  1. What we need (all this is to understand the basics)
    - HTML(important for now) — layout
    - Javascript(challenging) — functionality and,
    - CSS(could be lengthy) — designing
  2. How to start
    1. Logic
    — Trees (Layouts in HTML)
    Now let us say you are at the bottom of a tree and you want to reach a specific leaf. The way you do is follow the trunk to a branch to a sub-branch and so on to finally reach the leaf
    Similarly, in webpages, sites and apps have many branches and sub-branches called components. Each component can have sub-components and the cycle goes on till the end where it reaches the texts, input-boxes, checkboxes, etc.
    (this is all you need to know as a fundamental logic for writing HTML).
    — Actions/functionality (the fuel i.e. JS shorthand for Javascript)
    All the functionality of the page is handled using this. Like on click on a button something happens, this is JS
    — Styling (making the page awesome i.e. CSS -cascading stylesheets)
    We use this to beautify the page and add responsiveness to the page like when we hover, click, etc our mouse on components. Remember these components, well you people we can name em. The only reason we name them is that the PC is dumb and we need it to know about what we are talking about.
    2.The Order
    — Start with HTML
    — after 2 to 3 days start implementing CSS with which you practised the HTML
    — once you feel like you got the hang of it, Time to start with JS
  3. To keep in mind
    use a Udemy account for getting through with the basics and understanding the fundamentals {highly recommended},
    slowly start using W3Schools, mdn and StackOverflow for further knowledge and dive into the world of the development community.
    — for HTML use simple notepad or notepad++
    — when starting with CSS try using IDEs (a good one with big community support is Microsoft Visual Code)
    — when u get started with JS remember to give at least 70% of your total allocated time to it until you learn the latest ES format of your time (a way to write JS)
    — a youtube channel Google Chrome Developers is the place where you can have fun and learning at the same time as they discuss many interesting things and keep us updated with tech.
    — this is like a good place to start after having hands-on with all the tech listed above plus you will finally see some eye-pleasing output.
Photo by Junior Moran on Unsplash

I guess it’s time to wrap up by saying, it’s now your chance to do and learn something interesting at the same time to give you some confidence especially students-
> you guys can earn doing some freelancing but only after you know what you are doing.
> At most, I feel that you will take 2 weeks to learn the fundamentals, followed by the 1st project in the next 2 weeks and another month to know the best practices

Yours sincerely,
Ahren Pradhan
(full-stack developer +engineer)
HTML, CSS, JS, ReduxReact, NodeJS, SCSS and more…

